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Skip Navigation LinksProject-Building-Business-Skills-in-Rural-Areas,-Confidence-and-Opportunity

Miércoles , 18 de septiembre de 2024

Project Building Business Skills in Rural Areas, Confidence and Opportunity

What is the project?

It is an instrument of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD), which seeks to ensure that the rural residents of the prioritized municipalities that are in condition of extreme poverty to improve their quality of life.

The Project will benefit 50 thousand families located in 100 municipalities, distributed into 17 departments, which were targeted in concert with the Administrative Unit to the Territorial Consolidation.

What is its goal?

Contribute to the improvement of living conditions, income and employment in the poorest rural areas of the country.

How is it going to achieve the project its purposes?

Contributing to the persons involved can work together and strengthen the bonds of trust between them.Accompanying the participants to identify business opportunities in their region and could construct a proposal to take advantage of them.Helping to promote and disseminate the knowledge the people possess in the regions and that this knowledge will serve to strengthen the business proposals of the participants.Co-financing rural business initiatives that have to do with:


Animal production

Agro-industrial processing of products

Making handicrafts

Tourist Activities

Other services for the rural area

Supporting the beneficiary families so that they can save money with the purpose to establish and strengthen their businesses.Training to participating families in associative, technical and financial topics.

Who can be beneficiaries of the project?

Groups of fifteen or more people that are formed by small farmers, peasants, ethnic groups, families with women heads of household, rural youth, population victim and population of the United Network residing in municipalities selected by the project that comply with ANY of the following conditions:

Be enrolled in the SISBEN with a score less than or equal to that established in the rules of procedure of the convening of the project.Be enrolled in the United Information System – SIUNIDOS.To belong to an ethnic community (black, Afro-descendants, raizales, palenqueros, indigenous peoples and communities, peoples ROM).Be enrolled in the Unique Register of Victims

What is the compromise of the families participating in the project?

In addition to complying with the requirements already mentioned, groups of families interested in benefit of the project must:

Accept the terms of the call.Express their interest for co-financing and work together for the development of an activity which generates revenue.Contribute a counterpart in money, according to what is established in the rules of procedure of the call.Provide assurances of compliance.Provide information to enable the project to bring a timely follow-up.Be prepared to define and meet a savings plan.Commit to attend the trainings, meetings and activities raised by the project.Commit to implementing the resources to deliver the project in accordance with what is established in its proposals, once approved.

What are the components of the project?

The design of the draft establishes that the accompaniment to the families participating on it is made from three components:

Formation of Social Associative Capital and Business Development: Since this component will be co-financed the business initiatives of the participating families and the processes of accompaniment required for its success.Development and Strengthening of Rural Financial Assets: This component will support to participating families for training in the management of their money and help them to create savings in order to invest in their business.Knowledge Management, Abilities and Communications: With this component it is looked for the identification of experiences and valuable knowledge among the participating families and their dissemination among friends and neighbors or any actor that make part of the execution of the project, to contribute to the success of their business.

