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Minagricultura - English

Martes , 18 de febrero de 2025



​​Formulate, coordinate, and evaluate policies that promote a com​​petitive, equitable and sustainable development of agricultural, forestry, fishery and rural development processes, with decentralization, concertation and participation criteria that contribute to improve the level and quality of life of the Colombian population.


The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, in addition to the duties stated in Article 59, Act 489 of 1998, will fulfill the following functions:

Develop, direct, coordinate and evaluate policies related to rural, farming, fishing and forestry development in matters within its Competence.Develop policies, plans, programs and projects for farming, fishing and rural development, supporting processes of civic participation and land planning, according to the guidelines of the macroeconomic policy.Develop actions to promote articulation between national and territorial institutions, which lead to the implementation of plans, programs and projects focused on rural and farming development, with a territorial approach.




​Leader entity in the design, management and coordination of the policies for agricultural, fishery, forestry and rural social development which encourage harmonization with the macroeconomic policy and with a decentralized, concerted and participatory implementation.


The duties of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development include, within the scope of its powers, to achieve the following goals:

Promote the rural development with a territorial approach and the reinforcement of productivity and competitiveness of farming products, through comprehensive actions that improve the quality of life of people living outside the cities, enabling the sustainable use of natural resources, generating employment, and achieving a sustained and balanced growth of the regions.

Promote the coordination of institutional actions in the rural environment in a focused and systematic way, under the principles of competitiveness, equity, sustainability, applicability and decentralization to different industries, for the socioeconomical development of theCountry.Institutions involved in the management of the Farming, Fishing and Rural Development industry must strive for the aforementioned objectives.

About the Ministery


The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development is a National Government entity that is responsible for formulating the policy related to the rural development, agricultural, fisheries and forestry. Its purpose is to contribute to the improvement of the living conditions of the peasants.

The Agriculture, Fishing and Rural Development Industry, in accordance with current regulations, includes the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and subsidiary and affiliated organizations.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development shall be responsible of the guidance, control and assessment of the performance of the duties assigned to its related and adscribed organizations, without prejudice to the powers of decision concerning them, as well as their participation in the formulation of policies, in the creation of industrial programs and their execution.