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Viernes , 20 de septiembre de 2024

Direction of Innovation, Technological Development and Health Protection


The Direction of Innovation, Technological Development and Health Protection shall have the following functions:

  1. Designing and evaluating the policies, plans, programs and projects of agricultural development related to research, technological development, innovation and the agricultural technical assistance.
  2. Designing and evaluating the policies, plans, programs and projects of agricultural development in the field of prevention, surveillance and control of health risks, biological and chemical to animal and plant species.
  3. Propose rules, instruments and procedures in the field of research, technological development, and innovation, agricultural technical assistance in the field of agriculture, fisheries, aquaculture and forestry, to improve the competitiveness of the Sector.
  4. Propose rules, instruments and procedures in the field of prevention, surveillance and control of health risks, biological and chemical to animal and plant species.
  5. Perform the follow-up to the implementation of the agricultural policy, fisheries, aquaculture and forestry related to research, technological development, and innovation, agricultural technical assistance to strive for their implementation in the affiliated and linked institutions.
  6. Perform the follow-up to the implementation of the agricultural policy, fisheries, aquaculture and forestry in the field of prevention, surveillance and control of health risks, biological and chemical to animal and plant species and applied research and to strive for their implementation in the affiliated and linked institutions.
  7. Design and implement strategies and instruments that are geared to the weather risk management through actions of identification, prevention, adoption of mitigation and adaptation measures in the productive systems in coordination with the Directions of Productive Strains and of Financing and Agricultural risks.
  8. Coordinate, approve and disseminating agricultural statistics, hydro-meteorological and climatic, standardizing the information for the development of risk maps and the divulgation of agricultural information in general for a better management of climate risk.
  9. Coordinate with the relevant public and private bodies and civil society in the framework of the National System of Science and Technology of agro-industries, the development of aspects relating to research, technological development, innovation, agricultural technical assistance and health affairs in the field of agriculture, fisheries, aquaculture and forestry.
  10. Articulate the adoption by the research centers of the guidelines, recommendations and criteria set by the Planning Unit of Rural Land, Land Improvement and Agricultural Uses - UPRA, in the field of efficient land use.
  11. Formulate, implement and update the National Agenda of Science, Technology and Innovation (CTI) in order to identify, prioritize and meet the demands and the productive and health offers in the field of agriculture, fisheries and forestry.
  12. Analyze and review the applications and/or needs of research, technological development, innovation, agricultural technical assistance and health questions related to agricultural policy, fisheries, aquaculture and forestry and to propose to the Vice Minister the operations to be carried out, considering the prioritization that establish the Directions of Strings in this matter.
  13. Represent the Ministry before national and international instances related to research, technological development, innovation, agricultural technical assistance and health matters.
  14. Coordinate with the Office of International Affairs of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and with the Colombian Agricultural Institute - ICA, participation in the trade negotiations in the issues relating to the admissibility of the health of agricultural products.
  15. Participate, within the framework of its competence, in the formulation of environmental policy instruments and renewable natural resources related to the development of the agricultural sector, forestry, fisheries and aquaculture and rural development with territorial approach.
  16. To contribute, within the framework of its competence, in the design and implementation of rural development programs with territorial approach.
  17. Define and generate the statistical information required for the Consultant Office of Planning and Prospective, analyze, interpret and allow documenting the taking of decisions of both the Minister and his Vice Minister, within the areas of its competence.
  18. Coordinate with the Office of Information Technology and Communications Technology developments and computing needs that may be required in the exercise of their functions.

