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Viernes , 03 de mayo de 2024

International Cooperation


According to the current structure of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the functions of International Cooperation are the responsibility of the Direction of Budgetary Planning and Monitoring, according to the Decree 2478 of 1999.

In the same way since the end of 2010, the offices of the Minister and the Vice Minister have an adviser on International Cooperation, which works in a coordinated way with the Direction of Planning for support in this topic to the Directions and the entities affiliated.

The Ministry has been developing the following functions:

    To support and advise the Ministry in the definition, development and coordination of the overall strategy of international cooperation for the sector.Build and/or update the portfolio of international cooperation of the Ministry based on the identification of the supply and demand institutional and sectoral.Ensure a formal dialog with voluntary workers through the establishment of official channels of dialog, where will be facilitated the construction of an orderly cooperation for the sector.Advise to the dependences of the Ministry and entities taking part in the formulation and strategic planning of programs and projects for international cooperation, as well as accompany its implementation, monitoring and evaluation.Maintain a close relationship and coordination with the other Ministries and government entities involved in the development of a strategy for International Cooperation in the sector.Perform the efforts relevant to adequate participation and representation of the Ministry in international affairs related to the sector, as well as the proper monitoring of the fulfilment of the commitments that there are derived, in close coordination with the Chancery.Coordinate, assist and give a follow up to the international technical missions of the institutions or governments concerned to establish and/or strengthen cooperation agreements.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, coordinated in 2012 the elaboration of the Strategy of International Cooperation in the Agricultural Sector in Colombia 2013-2015, document that is in line with the National Development Plan, the National Strategy of International Cooperation and the sectoral guidelines of policy and that is looking for:

    Define the priorities for support in the sector on the basis of the public policy.To help focus the efforts of cooperation.Direct the management and promote sectoral coordination.Facilitate the dialog with voluntary workers and the government entities responsible for the national policy of cooperation.

This document that was built together with the Head Offices of the Ministry and with affiliated institutions and linked to the sector; it is based on a concept of cooperation where it is sought to promote:

A more strategic cooperation, as an effective tool in support of the development of the sectoral public policies.A more comprehensive cooperation, with a perspective from the needs of the policy rather than from institutional needs.A change of management by supply to a management by demand, where cooperation recognize the priorities of the Government and to join the institutional efforts.A more proactive management, where the Government take the initiative in the dialog with the cooperation, which involves, greater clarity of the requirements, a greater articulation and coordination within the sector and a position less reactive.A cooperation of impact, which goes into the development of big bets to focus cooperation in the key issues where cooperation can be more effective and is handled in an integral way with other support and with the efforts of Government.

In the framework of the strategy of international cooperation was created the Sectoral Table for the Coordination of International Cooperation, which is composed of the various public servants responsible for the efforts of cooperation in the affiliated institutions and linked to the MADR, it counts with the accompaniment of the Presidential Agency for International Cooperation of Colombia - APC and is coordinated by the Ministry, to be the head of the agricultural sector.

Similarly, the Sectoral Table of International Cooperation counts on the map of cooperation, a management tool built on the basis of the information provided by the entities of the sector that are part of the Bureau, which would create cooperation initiatives in progress.

Up to date, the map is formed by 116 cooperation initiatives, of which 24.14 % are not quantified because they are technical assistance that does not have a specific monetary value. The 43,10 % of the initiatives are in implementation and the 31,90% are in negotiation with donors or in administrative formalities prior to implementation.

